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Monday, December 26, 2011

Copy Cats

Alright guys, I know it is supposed to be flattering when someone likes the idea of your work, and makes something like it. However, It really aggravates me when someone does it, and does not say where they got their inspiration from. It is like they are saying they came up with it all on their own, and that just really irritates me quite a bit. I saw a video recently, which shall not be named, that looks a whole lot like the way I made my "The Sims Got The Moves" video. I mean, really, I just put that video out...and then someone comes along and makes a very similar one to it. Come on people, I work hard to come up with my own ideas, get some of your own too! Be creative and original, that's what art is all about! I love making machinima, but am tired of all of my hard work and ideas being taken by other people without so much as a mention of where they got it from the first place!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I am Boycotting ANY Film made for SIFF about Doomsday!

Ok seriously guys! ENOUGH, I am tired of all of this Doomsday crap. There are a multitude of things someone could make a film about other than that. It has been OVERDONE, and I for one am not going to watch a machinima about it. I don't watch those films in real life, and I certainly am not going to watch them, for something I turn to for fun and relaxation. So sorry in advance if you are making one, but at least you know, or you would if you read this blog.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Working on My new Music Video for SIFF Spring 2012!

I finally have had a light bulb moment with my newest creation! I have been inspired by a classic rock song. The title of this particular little gem, will not be revealed until SIFF :) The Spring Sims International Film Festival will start airing films on the 15th of March! So if you are a budding machinimist, please feel free to check out the Simatography Website, and make something! There are challenges for everyone, and as a staff member, myself and all of the other staff will be competing against each other! Oh yeah, so vote for me if you get a chance! I am going for the gold this year!

The Sims Got The Moves! My newest machinima! Enjoy :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

SIFF 2011 Awards

The Music Box
Rib-it Rib-it Froggy McFrog Slide

The Music Box
The Music Box

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shutterbugs Showcase Cycle 3

Just wanted to let everyone know that I did not disappear! I have been working on the Shutterbugs Showcase over at Simatography! If you would like to check out my portfolio, just head on over and see what I have been working on!
As soon as I am finished there will be much more news and info for the upcoming release The Music Box!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

AAshleySEG Makes Downtown Edible?

The famous director and other sims from the local chapter of SEEDS, Sims for Environmental Education in Downtown Sectors, officially opened the Los Aniegos Community Garden today! Well known for being a vegetarian and outspoken environmentalist, AAshleySEG was proudly teaching eager sims about gardening and the importance of growing fresh, local food for everyone in and around Los Aniegos. Every sim that stopped by the event was given a free plant to start their own garden at home. We interviewed the director and when asked why this was so important to her she replied, "In this day and age there are so many unhealthy sims, who live in an unhealthy environment. We are trying to show sims how easy and fun it is to change that!" The new garden is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is located at the old Los Aniegos City Dump. Talk about a turnaround! If you would like to get involved with SEEDS, you can contact them directly at their office in downtown. 
Article By Andrea Chronister

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Goodbye Ginger, Hello Mary Ann!

Rachel Krueger, star of the new film "The Music Box", was seen yesterday coming out of the Wellspring Retreat outside of Bridgeport. The young actress is vacationing there before she is due to be on set for her new role as Sophia Grant in the Fall release. Known for her gorgeous long red hair, she was photographed yesterday sporting a new brunette look. It seems she could dye her hair blue and she would still look fabulous!
By: Andrea Chronister

First Poster from New SSP Film Released Today!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pre-Production Wrap-Up - Filming to Start in a Few Days

With all of the cast in place, SSP now has a filming schedule. Apparently, they are going to film some portions at the SSP Backlot in Hillwood and then a few other locations. One is even rumored to be out of the country. Sources told us that the overseas location could be Al Simhara, Egypt. This looks like this is turning out to be quite a large budget film. The set designers have been coming and going frantically around the studio, they have been seen getting everything from toys to fast food restaurant tables. The wardrobe dept has been busy as well. They say there are numerous costume changes in this film, unlike Hegira where there were barely any. Even the greens department has been trying to keep up with so many outdoor locations. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to sneak a peek at some of these amazing sets. That's all for now though.
By: Andrea Chronister

A Few Child Stars Added to the Cast

Sierra Bleu in "Hegira"
A press release today from SSP announced that three young actresses were added to the cast list. Sierra Bleu, who had a small role as the teenage sister of Aelion in Hegira, will be playing a younger version of Rachel Krueger's character. The names of the other two have not yet been released, but with that cast list coming out any day now, we are sure to get some more information on who they are!
By: Andrea Chronister

Competition is Over with a Surprising Twist!

In an interview this morning, Gemma Dunne confirmed that she has been cast in SSP's film. Later, Anna-Sophia Kane's publicist sent out a press release stating that she has been cast as well. So which one is playing Elizabeth Grant you ask? We called SSP this afternoon and discovered that a full cast list was to be released soon and all will be revealed. So at least we can add Anna-Sophia AND Gemma to our already confirmed leading lady Rachel Krueger. This film is shaping up to be a star-studded feature with lots of glamorous Hillwood starlets. Can't wait to see what we find out next!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SSP Director Sighting...Well Almost.

The illusive Director AAshleySEG was spotted in her car at a traffic light in Downtown Los Aniegos by Paparazzi this morning. They followed her relentlessly  until the car stopped inside the gate of SSP's Backlot. Unfortunately it appeared to have been a decoy. While the photogs were desperately waiting to take her photo, out stepped Paschal Gnome, pronounced with an accent over the e. Now this made us wonder two things. A, what was Paschal doing in her car? Was he meeting with the famous Director? Or B, is this some kind of clever retort to our earlier Intel from her meeting with Alex Blake at The Vines? We are officially on Director Watch, this crafty lady is peaking our interest. Who knows what she will come up with next! By Andrea Chronister

Monday, April 18, 2011

Competition Heats Up for a Role in SSP's Latest Project!

Anna-Sophia Kane
Gemma Dunne
 Breaking News: SSP just released some new information on their newest film. They are in the last few weeks of pre-production and decided to give us here at Year in Motion a small scoop! Sources at SSP told us that they are down to two actresses to play the role of "Elizabeth Grant" in the September release. This is the first character name we have heard mentioned and are ecstatic that we had the this opportunity. Actress Anna-Sophia Kane, best known for her role as the stunning Aelion in "Hegira" is up against Gemma Dunne, an Irish actress bursting on the Hillwood film scene. SSP stated that, "Either of these stars would be an asset to this new cast." Alas, we will have to wait and see who gets chosen. Will they go with Anna-Sophia who helped them win Best Overall at SIFF, or Gemma, the fiery Irish beauty destined for greatness? Keep it right here for the most up to date and to the minute celebrity news and gossip about SSP and their upcoming film!

Hillwood Hunk's Secret Meeting

     Usually when we hear about Alex Blake, it has something to do with his latest scandal! Well not today, Alex was seen leaving Los Aniego's exclusive eatery The Vines. 
     Sources on the inside tell us that he was having lunch with Director AAshleySEG. We quoted an anonymous source as saying, "They were reading over what looked like a script." A different source overheard part of their conversation. The source stated the director either said, "homeless man or gnome-less man." I can't decide whether that piece of Intel gives us any insight into what this film may be about.
     So basically we have learned that actor Alex Blake may or may not be in a film about either gnomes or the homeless? We are desperately awaiting more information. Keep checking back here, as you can see anything we hear, you will be the first to know.
     No photos of director AAshleySEG seemed to turn up, I wonder if she was wearing a disguise?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Newcomer Takes the Lead in SSP's Upcoming Film

Saghani Studio Productions announced today that Rachel Krueger will star in the title role of director AAshleySEG's new film slated for the Fall 2011 Sims International Film Festival. AAshleySEG commented, "We are truly excited about bringing an unknown talent into this role. Krueger is a powerful actress who can project such an emotional range, making her perfect for the part."
     Being cast at this time is an amazing opportunity for this young actress, this project is coming straight off the heels of a film which took Best Overall in SIFF Spring 2011. I for one can't wait to see where she takes this!
     Sadly, at this time no other information has been released about this film, except that it will open in September. Stay tuned here for more information as it becomes available.
by Andrea Chronister

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Hegira" Best Overall Film at SIFF Spring 2011

Hi everyone! So excited, today I found out that "Hegira" won Best Overall Film at SIFF Spring 2011. I had no idea that I would win anything, let alone Best Overall Film! My competition was so amazing and I want to congratulate everyone on their wins this season. I would like to thank the SIFF Artistic Directors for this honor and putting SIFF on every season! Also all of the custom content makers out there, without whom none of my films would be possible. I am already working on my film for SIFF Fall 2011, and it makes me even more excited to work on it knowing how well I did in my first SIFF. Stay tuned for sneak peeks of my upcoming film and my machinima making blog, outlining the journey of this next film. If you have not subscribed to me on youtube please do so here:
If you get a chance please take a look at Simatography Magazine Spring 2011(link below), to see all of the winners, and an amazing magazine with awesome articles related to the event! Thanks again everyone! See you at SIFF Fall 2011!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Script Draft

Hey everyone! This is the first post in a series in which I tell you step by step how I am making my SIFF Fall 2011 Feature Film! Can't tell you the name yet, but in due time! The very first step is to have an idea about what you want to make a film about, anything could be used for inspiraTion. For this particular film, my inspiration was a song, it usually happens like that for me. I hear a certain lyric in a song or it makes me feel a certain way and I get an idea about wHat I would like to do. After that I sat down with a pEn and notebook and wrote out the entire story draft. Now this draft wasn't complete, it just showed me where the story started and ended, and some key points in the middle. If I get other ideas along the way, which I have, I just add theM or subtract as need be until I write the actUal script/storyboard for the film. For the first time ever, I am taking this step by step to try and make the beSt film I have ever made. So I am gIving myself plenty of time to do so! After I had the basic script outline, I started writing out which sets, and charaCters I would need for the film so I would be aBle to design them, and get whatever custom content I needed. There are a million custom content sites out there, so it is very time consuming to scour that world for the perfect items, sO give yourself plenty of time if you are planning on using CC. So here are the steps outlined in this post.

1 - Get an Idea!
2 - Write out a preliminary draft script
3 - Update it until you have pretty much what you want!
4 - Make a List of all the Sets you will need for production.
5 - Make a list of characters you need!

NeXt time I am going to talk about building your characters and sets with Custom Content and the importance of staying organized for your credit roll. See ya then!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SIFF Fall 2011ou

Hi everyone! I am in the beginning stages of planning for my new film which will be premiering at The Sims International Film Festival Fall 2011 Showing. I decided that I might try and tell everyone how I am making the movie this time around. I am going to do my best to keep up with this. I get sidetracked a lot of the time and sometimes forget to do things I say I am going to do. So for right now I am going to try! ;) At the moment I am getting together custom content for the movie and keeping track of EVERYTHING I download for the credit roll. This is very important for me because 9 times out of 10 I see something in a machinima and I wish I new where it came from. So with mine, I will now be showing and telling where each individual item came from and who made it! That way if you see something in my film that you like, you are free to go and get it yourself! I have also already written the draft script outline so I know the entire premise of the film as well as the "first act" scene by scene for shooting. For keeping track of everything I use Microsoft Office One Note, it keeps everything very organized for me with the use of folders, notebooks, and pages, without using all of that paper, and its easily accessible! I don't have to worry about where I put that piece of paper with whatever written on it. Another good things about One Note is that it saves everything automatically! You never have to push the save button and you can store photos videos and a multitude of other things to keep you organized throughout your entire movie making process! This time around I am doing everything in a very specific order. Set design, characters, story, and all aspects of this film will be laid out BEFORE I start filming anything. On the next blog I am going to go in depth about how I set up the game for the filming process, as well as let you know what type of processor and memory I have so you can see if your computer will allow you to do what I am doing. We will go into shooting HD and what programs I use for video editing and Film poster making! I look forward to you coming back and reading, and if you have any questions throughout this please please let me know and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability! See ya next time!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hegira for viewers with copyright issues!

If you are unable to watch my video on Youtube due to Copyright Issues, you can download it here!
Thanks for your support! Vote for me!!