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Monday, December 26, 2011

Copy Cats

Alright guys, I know it is supposed to be flattering when someone likes the idea of your work, and makes something like it. However, It really aggravates me when someone does it, and does not say where they got their inspiration from. It is like they are saying they came up with it all on their own, and that just really irritates me quite a bit. I saw a video recently, which shall not be named, that looks a whole lot like the way I made my "The Sims Got The Moves" video. I mean, really, I just put that video out...and then someone comes along and makes a very similar one to it. Come on people, I work hard to come up with my own ideas, get some of your own too! Be creative and original, that's what art is all about! I love making machinima, but am tired of all of my hard work and ideas being taken by other people without so much as a mention of where they got it from the first place!

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