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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Script Draft

Hey everyone! This is the first post in a series in which I tell you step by step how I am making my SIFF Fall 2011 Feature Film! Can't tell you the name yet, but in due time! The very first step is to have an idea about what you want to make a film about, anything could be used for inspiraTion. For this particular film, my inspiration was a song, it usually happens like that for me. I hear a certain lyric in a song or it makes me feel a certain way and I get an idea about wHat I would like to do. After that I sat down with a pEn and notebook and wrote out the entire story draft. Now this draft wasn't complete, it just showed me where the story started and ended, and some key points in the middle. If I get other ideas along the way, which I have, I just add theM or subtract as need be until I write the actUal script/storyboard for the film. For the first time ever, I am taking this step by step to try and make the beSt film I have ever made. So I am gIving myself plenty of time to do so! After I had the basic script outline, I started writing out which sets, and charaCters I would need for the film so I would be aBle to design them, and get whatever custom content I needed. There are a million custom content sites out there, so it is very time consuming to scour that world for the perfect items, sO give yourself plenty of time if you are planning on using CC. So here are the steps outlined in this post.

1 - Get an Idea!
2 - Write out a preliminary draft script
3 - Update it until you have pretty much what you want!
4 - Make a List of all the Sets you will need for production.
5 - Make a list of characters you need!

NeXt time I am going to talk about building your characters and sets with Custom Content and the importance of staying organized for your credit roll. See ya then!

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