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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SSP Director Sighting...Well Almost.

The illusive Director AAshleySEG was spotted in her car at a traffic light in Downtown Los Aniegos by Paparazzi this morning. They followed her relentlessly  until the car stopped inside the gate of SSP's Backlot. Unfortunately it appeared to have been a decoy. While the photogs were desperately waiting to take her photo, out stepped Paschal Gnome, pronounced with an accent over the e. Now this made us wonder two things. A, what was Paschal doing in her car? Was he meeting with the famous Director? Or B, is this some kind of clever retort to our earlier Intel from her meeting with Alex Blake at The Vines? We are officially on Director Watch, this crafty lady is peaking our interest. Who knows what she will come up with next! By Andrea Chronister

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