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Thursday, April 28, 2011

AAshleySEG Makes Downtown Edible?

The famous director and other sims from the local chapter of SEEDS, Sims for Environmental Education in Downtown Sectors, officially opened the Los Aniegos Community Garden today! Well known for being a vegetarian and outspoken environmentalist, AAshleySEG was proudly teaching eager sims about gardening and the importance of growing fresh, local food for everyone in and around Los Aniegos. Every sim that stopped by the event was given a free plant to start their own garden at home. We interviewed the director and when asked why this was so important to her she replied, "In this day and age there are so many unhealthy sims, who live in an unhealthy environment. We are trying to show sims how easy and fun it is to change that!" The new garden is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is located at the old Los Aniegos City Dump. Talk about a turnaround! If you would like to get involved with SEEDS, you can contact them directly at their office in downtown. 
Article By Andrea Chronister

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